It is without doubts that the ways

of the Spirit are past finding out by natural navigations; the understanding of spiritual pathways is not given to natural inclinations.

The ways of God are not the ways of men, and as far as Heaven is from the earth, so are His thoughts from the thoughts of men.

No man would be able to comprehend or explain the workings of the Spirit, except possessed of the Spirit of God Himself. This explains the reason what is power to a believer is foolishness to an unbeliever.

Logic and common sense, they say, are rational poison in the spirit. It is a pity that scientific knowledge, fictions and rationalization have robbed many of the divine possibility of the seeming impossibilities looming them in the face.

For example; one of the many reasons, I opine, the subject of divine healing/health does not make sense to, some of the medically inclined is because of their many rationalizations, they know the normal physiology and the pathophysiology of the abnormal.

The Scriptures says; the things which are seen are made from the things which are not seen. In other words, the raw material of God for creation is called nothing. NOTHING! Hebrews 11:3

The things of the spirit are usually imbalanced intellectually, exhibiting unreasonableness; they just do not appeal to your sensual faculties… To be continued, stay connected!

©Aanuoluwapo Clement

√Setting the Pace√